Monday, January 19, 2009

What this is all about (My Support Letter)

I hope that the holiday season is treating you all well and that you are enjoying the time with friends and family as the year comes to a close. I am finding more and more that the Lord’s plan for the next year is far beyond and more complex than I ever imagined. A few months ago if you had asked me what my plans were for the summer, I would probably have told you that I was planning on just staying at home and taking summer classes. Within a few weeks of that time, a door was opened where, yet again, I came to see that the Lord sometimes has a different path for me than I think.
Each year my college’s mission department helps students travel all over the world to serve people in need. This year, one of the trip proposals was to Athens, Greece. My first reaction to this trip was that it sounded more like a vacation than an opportunity to serve, but as I became more informed I came to understand the depth of people in need. Greece is one of the number one places in the world that deals with sex trafficking (slavery) and homelessness; and the majority of the people stuck in these conditions are woman and children. After hearing about the trip I could not get it off my mind. After prayerfully considering this trip, I signed up and was accepted.
As some of you know, my heart is in the Middle East and with young women. If there has been anything that college has taught me it is that I love to travel and that I love to see young women find their true worth and beauty. This trip to Greece combines both of these passions. This will be an experience of not only working and serving; but an opportunity for me to get my ‘hands dirty’ in an area where I feel called for my career. We will be working with a ministry in Athens that helps get people off the streets and into a vibrant and free life. Many of these women in Athens have either been sold into prostitution or were forced because that was the only chance they had; this is a form of modern day slavery. We also will be working with a soup kitchen and shelter as a safe haven and rehabilitation center for the homeless and prostitutes.
I had a very wise mentor say once that Christ is in the muck and the mire, not just in the pretty stuff. I am writing you because I am asking you to partner with me on this journey. Christ walked these streets of Athens and journeyed in discipleship with the prostitutes and untouchables; I hope to be just a glimpse of that attitude of Christ on my trip. The heart of a culture is beneath the tourist side; that is where we find the real soul and emotion of these people. The Lord is doing a lot in this ancient city and I hope to be a part of that in any way I can. I am sending you this letter because I want you to partner with me in this journey. I appreciate you and the wisdom and support you have given in the past years. I believe it is so important to walk through life’s journeys together. This is the journey that I believe the Lord is taking me on and I ask you to join me. Your prayers and support in any way are so appreciated! Along with this letter is a form to show you how you can support me in my journey.
I have a blog about my trip on and I am planning on sending out a letter right before I leave and when I return. If you desire to support me financially, your donation can be tax deductible. Please return the form in the provided envelope with my student ID code (1209) on it so that your donation can be credited to my account. Along with touching lives over there, it is equally important for us to be knowledgeable over here, which is why I hope that you will join me on my experience. I cannot thank you enough for your support, in any way! You are truly a blessing to me and the road that the Lord is leading me down would not be the same path if you were not an influence on my life. If you have any questions about my trip at all I would love to talk! Again, thank you!

1 comment:

joyce cole said...

Thank you for this informative blog,Linz. It helps me to know how to pray and what you're passion is. Go for it ,little one.